The intention to write this function is to split a text files of row count more than 65535 into multiple text files,
so that it is able to modify those files further by Excel which has limit of 65536 rows on reading any files.
Therefore, This function has the option to add header rows from the original files.
'Split a Text File into multiple text files of specified row count(default: 65535)
Public Function SplitTextFile(src As String, Optional des_fmt As String, Optional RowCntPerFile As Long = 65535, Optional file_idx_start As Integer = 0, Optional NumOfHdrRows As Long = 0, Optional DeleteSrc As Boolean = False) As String
On Error GoTo Err_SplitTextFile
Dim FailedReason As String
If Len(Dir(src)) = 0 Then
FailedReason = src
GoTo Exit_SplitTextFile
End If
If RowCntPerFile < NumOfHdrRows + 1 Then
FailedReason = "RowCntPerFile < NumOfHdrRows + 1"
GoTo Exit_SplitTextFile
End If
'if no need to split, return
Dim RowCnt_src As Long
RowCnt_src = CountRowsInText(src)
If RowCnt_src <= RowCntPerFile Then
GoTo Exit_SplitTextFile
End If
'Check whether there exists files which name is same to the splitted files
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim des_dir As String
Dim des_name As String
Dim des_ext As String
Dim des_path As String
des_dir = fso.GetParentFolderName(src)
des_name = fso.GetFileName(src)
des_ext = fso.GetExtensionName(src)
If des_fmt = "" Then
des_fmt = Left(des_name, Len(des_name) - Len("." & des_ext)) & "_*"
End If
Dim NumOfSplit As Integer
If RowCnt_src <= RowCntPerFile Then
NumOfSplit = 0
NumOfSplit = Int((RowCnt_src - RowCntPerFile) / (RowCntPerFile + 1 - NumOfHdrRows)) + 1
End If
Dim file_idx_end As Integer
file_idx_end = file_idx_start + NumOfSplit 'Int(RowCnt_src / (RowCntPerFile + 1 - NumOfHdrRows))
Dim file_idx As Integer
For file_idx = file_idx_start To file_idx_end
des_path = des_dir & "\" & Replace(des_fmt, "*", str(file_idx)) & "." & des_ext
If Len(Dir(des_path)) > 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next file_idx
If Len(Dir(des_path)) > 0 Then
FailedReason = des_path
GoTo Exit_SplitTextFile
End If
'Obtain header rows for later files and create the first splitted file
Dim File_src As Object
Dim FileNum_des As Integer
Dim str_line As String
Dim HdrRows As String
Set File_src = fso.OpenTextFile(src, 1)
des_path = des_dir & "\" & Replace(des_fmt, "*", str(file_idx_start)) & "." & des_ext
FileNum_des = FreeFile
Open des_path For Output As #FileNum_des
RowCnt = 0
Do Until RowCnt >= NumOfHdrRows Or File_src.AtEndOfStream = True
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
str_line = File_src.ReadLine
Print #FileNum_des, str_line
HdrRows = HdrRows & str_line
Do Until RowCnt >= RowCntPerFile Or File_src.AtEndOfStream = True
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
Print #FileNum_des, File_src.ReadLine
Close #FileNum_des
'Start to split
For file_idx = file_idx_start + 1 To file_idx_end
If File_src.AtEndOfStream = True Then
Exit For
End If
des_path = des_dir & "\" & Replace(des_fmt, "*", str(file_idx)) & "." & des_ext
FileNum_des = FreeFile
Open des_path For Output As #FileNum_des
RowCnt = NumOfHdrRows
Print #FileNum_des, HdrRows
Do Until RowCnt >= RowCntPerFile Or File_src.AtEndOfStream = True
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
Print #FileNum_des, File_src.ReadLine
Close #FileNum_des
Next file_idx
If DeleteSrc = True Then
Kill src
End If
SplitTextFile = FailedReason
Exit Function
FailedReason = Err.Description
Resume Exit_SplitTextFile
End Function