Below is the function set to perform the coordinate transform between Grid and Geographic, the pair of HK1980 and WGS84 is taken as the example for this kind of transform
'Coordinate Transformation according to
Public Const Pi = 3.14159265359
'Coordinate Transform from HK1980 grid to WGS84 geographic in degree
Public Function CoorTransform_Hk1980ToWgs84(Easting, Northing, Optional Delimiter As String = "") As Variant
'Initilalize Constant
E0 = 836694.05
N0 = 819069.8
Lng0 = 114.178556
Lat0 = 22.312133
m_0 = 1
M0 = 2468395.723
a = 6378388
e2 = 6.722670022 * (10 ^ (-3))
LngLat_HK1980 = CoorTransform_GridToGeographic(E0, N0, Lng0, Lat0, m_0, M0, a, e2, Easting, Northing)
Lng_WGS84 = LngLat_HK1980(0) + (8.8 / 3600)
Lat_WGS84 = LngLat_HK1980(1) - (5.5 / 3600)
If Delimiter = "" Then
CoorTransform_Hk1980ToWgs84 = Array(Lng_WGS84, Lat_WGS84)
CoorTransform_Hk1980ToWgs84 = Lng_WGS84 & Delimiter & Lat_WGS84
End If
End Function
Public Function CoorTransform_GridToGeographic(E0, N0, Lng0, Lat0, m_0, M0, a, e2, Easting, Northing, Optional accuracy = 6) As Variant
'Meridian distance Coefficients
A0 = 1 - (e2 / 4) - (3 * (e2 ^ 2) / 64)
A2 = (3 / 8) * (e2 + ((e2 ^ 2) / 4))
A4 = (15 / 256) * (e2 ^ 2)
'Convert the Lat0 and Lng0 from degree to radian
Lng0 = Lng0 * Pi / 180
Lat0 = Lat0 * Pi / 180
'Convert from grid to geographic
'Calculate Lat_p by iteration of Meridian distance,
E_Delta = Easting - E0
N_delta = Northing - N0
Mp = (N_delta + M0) / m_0
Lat_min = -90 * Pi / 180
Lat_max = 90 * Pi / 180
accuracy = 10 ^ (-accuracy)
'Newton 's method
Lat_p = (Lat_max + Lat_min) / 2
f = 1.1
Do While Abs(f) > accuracy
f = Mp - a * (A0 * Lat_p - A2 * Sin(2 * Lat_p) + A4 * Sin(4 * Lat_p))
f_d1 = -a * (A0 - A2 * 2 * Cos(2 * Lat_p) + A4 * 4 * Cos(4 * Lat_p))
Lat_p = Lat_p - (f / f_d1)
t_p = Tan(Lat_p)
v_p = a / ((1 - e2 * Sin(Lat_p) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2))
p_p = (a * (1 - e2)) / ((1 - e2 * Sin(Lat_p) ^ 2) ^ (3 / 2))
W_p = v_p / p_p
Lng = Lng0 + (1 / Cos(Lat_p)) * ((E_Delta / (m_0 * v_p)) - (1 / 6) * ((E_Delta / (m_0 * v_p)) ^ 3) * (W_p + 2 * (t_p ^ 2)))
Lat = Lat_p - (t_p / ((m_0 * p_p))) * ((E_Delta ^ 2) / ((2 * m_0 * v_p)))
CoorTransform_GridToGeographic = Array(Lng / Pi * 180, Lat / Pi * 180)
End Function
Public Function CoorTransform_Wgs84ToHK1980(Lng, Lat, Optional Delimiter As String = "") As Variant
'Initilalize Constant
E0 = 836694.05
N0 = 819069.8
Lng0 = 114.178556
Lat0 = 22.312133
m_0 = 1
M0 = 2468395.723
a = 6378388
e2 = 6.722670022 * (10 ^ (-3))
Lng_HK1980 = Lng - (8.8 / 3600)
Lat_HK1980 = Lat + (5.5 / 3600)
EastNorth_HK1980 = CoorTransform_GeographicToGrid(E0, N0, Lng0, Lat0, m_0, M0, a, e2, Lng_HK1980, Lat_HK1980)
If Delimiter = "" Then
CoorTransform_Wgs84ToHK1980 = EastNorth_HK1980
CoorTransform_Wgs84ToHK1980 = EastNorth_HK1980(0) & Delimiter & EastNorth_HK1980(1)
End If
End Function
'Coordinate Transform from geographic in degree to grid
Public Function CoorTransform_GeographicToGrid(E0, N0, Lng0, Lat0, m_0, M0, a, e2, Lng, Lat) As Variant
'Meridian distance Coefficients
A0 = 1 - (e2 / 4) - (3 * (e2 ^ 2) / 64)
A2 = (3 / 8) * (e2 + ((e2 ^ 2) / 4))
A4 = (15 / 256) * (e2 ^ 2)
'Convert Lat and Lng from degree to radian
Lng0 = Lng0 * Pi / 180
Lat0 = Lat0 * Pi / 180
Lng = Lng * Pi / 180
Lat = Lat * Pi / 180
'Convert from geographic to grid
Lng_Delta = Lng - Lng0
M = a * (A0 * Lat - A2 * Sin(2 * Lat) + A4 * Sin(4 * Lat))
t_s = Tan(Lat)
v_s = a / ((1 - e2 * Sin(Lat) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2))
p_s = (a * (1 - e2)) / ((1 - e2 * Sin(Lat) ^ 2) ^ (3 / 2))
W_s = v_s / p_s
Easting = E0 + m_0 * v_s * (Lng_Delta * Cos(Lat) + (1 / 6) * (Lng_Delta ^ 3) * (Cos(Lat) ^ 3) * (W_s - t_s ^ 2))
Northing = N0 + m_0 * ((M - M0) + v_s * ((Lng_Delta ^ 2) / 4) * Sin(2 * Lat))
CoorTransform_GeographicToGrid = Array(Easting, Northing)
End Function