
2013年6月12日 星期三

[VBA] Collection of Utilites frequently used

Creater: Walter Tsui

[VBA]: Collection of Utilites frequently used

- Delete Table
- Delete Table by sub string
- Check whether table exists or not
- Delete Query
- Check whether query exist or not
- Obtain record counts of a table
- Obtain record counts of a query
- Obtain record counts of a SQL object
- Check whether a table is valid or not
- Check whether a query is valid or not
- Link Table Through Table Definition
- Remove all link tables
- Get the current path of a link table
- Get Link Table connection Info
- Obtain a string with all columns names of a table
- Find a column in a table
- Export Table to Text file
- Convert Access Table into HTML Format
- Generate a concatenated string of related records (SQL Query Use)

- Find item in an array
- Append items to an array
- Delete item in an array by index

- Check whether specified worksheet exists or not in specified workbook
- Convert Column Number To Column Letter
- Link multiple worksheets in workbooks
- Export a table to one or more worksheets in case row count over 65535
- Replace String in a range of a worksheet that enclose any excel error in a function

- Check whether a file exists
- Copy File without error msg
- Unzip multiple files in directory
- Unzip a file
- Ftp upload file
- Ftp download file
- Count Row Number of a text file
- Split a Text File into multiple text files of specified row count(default: 65535)
- Delete rows in a text file
- Replace multiple strings in multiple files in a folder
- Replace multiple strings in a file

General Utilities:
- Enable user-defined MsgBox
- Disable user-defined MsgBox
- Display string in a msgbox depending on the user-defined flag

- Min
- Max
- Ceiling
- Logarithm of base 10

- Start a Shell command and wait for it to finish, hiding while it is running.
- Send multiples shell commands with timeout

- Run SQL command without warning msg
- Re-Select table columns
- Update multiple columns of a table under the same condition
- Update a column of a table under a specified condition
- Create Table with dedicated Column and Expressions from a source table
- Create Table of group function, there is a default Group function for all columns, columns can be specified to different group fucntion
- Create a set of grouped table, the grouping config is set in a specified table
- Create table which are joined from two tables having the same columns for joining
- Create table which is cancatenated from multiple tables of the same structure
- Execute SQLite Command Set
- Append Table into a SQLite database

- Split a string into array by separator
- Find string in an array
- Replace substring by regular expression

