'Append Access SQL Object(Table, Query) to Excel worksheet, and activate it
Public Function AppendSqlObjToAndActivateWs(oWs As Worksheet, SqlObj_name As String, Optional AddBorder As Boolean = False) As String
On Error GoTo Err_AppendSqlObjToAndActivateWs
Dim FailedReason As String
If TableExist(SqlObj_name) = False And QueryExist(SqlObj_name) Then
FailedReason = SqlObj_name & " does not exist!"
GoTo Exit_AppendSqlObjToAndActivateWs
End If
With oWs
'Have to activate the worksheet for copying query with no error!
'Store the new start row
Dim RowEnd_old As Long
Dim RowStart_new As Long
RowEnd_old = .UsedRange.Rows.count
RowStart_new = RowEnd_old + 1
'Append SqlObj_name to the sheet
'Create Recordset object
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SqlObj_name, dbOpenSnapshot)
.Range("A" & CStr(.UsedRange.Rows.count + 1)).CopyFromRecordset rs, 65534
'Copy format from previous rows to new rows
.Range(.Cells(RowEnd_old, 1), .Cells(RowEnd_old, .UsedRange.Columns.count)).Copy
.Range(.Cells(RowStart_new, 1), .Cells(.UsedRange.Rows.count, .UsedRange.Columns.count)).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
If AddBorder = True Then
'Add border at the last row
With .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.count).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With '.UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.count).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
End If
End With 'oWs
AppendSqlObjToAndActivateWs = FailedReason
Exit Function
FailedReason = Err.Description
Resume Exit_AppendSqlObjToAndActivateWs
End Function